A Questioner asked so he said: What is the Greatest Bliss rather than the bliss of the world and the hereafter, and greater than the bliss of paradise and the beautiful with fair-eyes (individuals)?
And replied who has the knowledge of the Book so he said:
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
20 - 12 - 1430 AH
08 - 12 - 2009 AD
10:27 pm
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
Allah the Most High said: {And indeed that this is My path, the right one,} [Al-Anam] 6:153
And Allah the Most High said: {And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me.} [Al-Jinn] 51:56
And Allah the Most High said: {And certainly We raised in every nation a messenger, saying: Serve Allah and shun the devil.} [Al-Nahl] 16:36
And Allah the Most High said: {And your Lord has decreed that you serve none but Him, and do good to parents.} [Al-Esra] 17:23
And Allah the Most High said: {And worship Allah, and do not associate with Him,} [Al-Nisa] 4:36
And Allah the Most High said: {Say: Come! I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you: Do not associate with Him a thing,} [Al-Anam] 6:151
And Allah the Most High said: {There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes to the All Merciful as a servant.(93) Certainly He counted them, and has numbered them all.(94) And everyone of them will come to Him on the day of Resurrection, alone.(95) Those who believe and do good deeds, for them the All Merciful will surely bring about love.(96) So We have made it easy in thy tongue only that you should give good news thereby to those who guard against evil, and should warn thereby a contentious people.(97)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nisa] 19:93-97
From the Imam Mahdi to all worshipers of Allah in the kingdom of the heavens and the earth I am the Awaited Mahdi the acquainted by the All Merciful in the decisive Quran I call you to the worship of the All Merciful as He should be worshiped, and I swear by Allah the Most High the Great Who revives the bone while it's decayed, I am guiding you to the Greatest Bliss greater than the kingdom's bliss of the heavens and the earth and the greater than the bliss of paradise which its width is as the width of the heavens and the earth, and I swear by Allah the One the Conqueror Who created the jinn from a flame of fire and created the human being from dry soil as clay for if you responded to the call of the acquainted by the All Merciful surly you will get to know the Bliss that is greater than the world's kingdom and the hereafter while you are still right here in this worldly life and surly we are truthful, and indeed had fail who forged a lie against Allah.
O worshipers of Allah in the heavens and the earth Allah did not create the heavens and the earth except for you and He did not create you except to worship the Bliss of Allah's pleasure upon His servants and in that the wisdom of creating you is hidden. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {And I have not created the jinn and the human except that they should worship Me.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Jinn] 51:56, so did you fulfill the wisdom of creating you so have you worshiped the Blissful pleasure of the All Merciful's upon the Throne leveled, Allah the Lord of the world? And He did not create the heavens and the earth except in for you and He did not create you except to worship the Greatest Bliss which is restricting in it the wisdom from creating you. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {And We did not create the heaven and the earth and what is between them for sport.} [Al-Anbya] 21:16
And Allah the Most High said: {And We created not the heavens and the earth and what is between them but with truth.} [Al-Hijr] 15:85
And Allah the Most High said: {And on the day when He says, Be, then it would be. His word is the truth} [Al-Anam] 6:73
And Allah the Most High said: {when lo! from their graves they will hasten on to their Lord.} [Ya-Seen] 36:51
And Allah the Most High said: {Then on that day you shall certainly be questioned about the Bliss.}[Al-Takathor] 102:8
Truthful Allah the Great
Do you know the True explanatory statement: {Then on that day you shall certainly be questioned about the Bliss.}? So in it hides the secret of the wisdom from creating you, then hording in the worldly life diverted you of it so you competed onto it (multiple of possessions), so it diverted you off the wisdom from creating you that you worship the Blissful pleasure of the All Merciful upon you, then He grants you by spirit from Him to know the Bliss of Allah's pleasure upon you so you realize the wisdom from creating you, and surly we are truthful. If I did not direct you onto the Greatest Bliss (greater) than the bliss of the world and the hereafter than I am not the Awaited Mahdi the acquainted in the All Merciful who Allah specialized him in the True statement for Allah's name the Greatest then I argue with you in it from the decisive great Quran if you were believers.
O worshipers of Allah, you have made a mistake in the True aim (Al-Waseela), so I do not call you to take the Greatest Bliss a mean to achieve the smaller bliss of the fair beautiful ones and the blissful paradise; in fact I swear by Allah the Greatest Bliss that I call you to a Bliss greater and bigger than the blissful paradise; that is the Bliss of Allah's pleasure the All Merciful the Most Merciful you find it within your selves while you are still in the worldly-life it is truly greater than than worldly bliss and the bigger than the Gardens' bliss of paradise, and surly we are truthful in the true declaration about Allah's name the Greatest (the Greatest Bliss) which Allah made it an attribute for His Self's pleasure upon His servants, and indeed we are truthful by the True declaration they find it whom Allah wrote in their hearts the faith and aid them by a spirit of His Self pleasure to their selves so they find the reality of Allah's name the Greatest in themselves that it is really a bliss bigger than the bliss of the world and the hereafter. In ratification to the description of the All Merciful about the Attribute of the Allah Merciful's pleasure that it is a greater bliss than the bliss of the world and the hereafter. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Allah has promised to the believing men and the believing women, Gardens, wherein flow rivers, to abide therein, and goodly dwellings in Gardens of perpetual abode. And greatest of all is Allah’s goodly pleasure. That is the grand achievement.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Tawba] 9:72
In that hides the secret of guidance for the Awaited Mahdi who guides the people to True wisdom from creating them; Aren't you believing O assembly of the Muslims? So how would be on error who calls the people to worship the Bliss of Allah's pleasure upon his servants then he promises them that they really will find the Greatest Bliss is greater than the bliss of the World and the hereafter in achieving Allah's pleasure upon them so is there after the Truth but falsehood? In fact Allah sent me to make you by His permission a one nation worshiping Allah's pleasure Him Alone and no partners for Him and in that is a secret of the pleasure of all the prophets and messengers and the pleasure of Allah's khalifa the Awaited Mahdi that you worship Allah my Lord and your Lord Him Alone and no partners for Him so you would be worshipers of the Lord so you worship the bliss of Allah's pleasure onto you if you were believers in the True call from your Lord.
As for the Awaited Imam Mahdi I call you to be worshipers of the Lord so you worship what the Awaited Mahdi the servant of the Greatest Bliss Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni worships, I bear witness for Allah the True certain testimony that I do not worship the pleasure of all the angels of the All Merciful and their praising onto me so far (from good) for their pleasure altogether; in fact I worship the pleasure of the All Merciful so I do not take Him a mean to achieve the level of khalifa's ruling-ship onto them in the world and the hereafter then Allah makes me khalifa upon them and while they are in a state of subjection. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Or shall the human being have what he wishes?(24) But for Allah is the Hereafter and the former (life).(25)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Njm] 53:24-25
I seek refuge with Allah the number of atoms of Allah's kingdom that I take the Bliss of Allah's pleasure as mean to achieve the kingdom of the world and the hereafter, so how I take the Greatest Bliss as a mean to achieve the smaller bliss? Didn't Allah the Most High say in His decisive Book to the knowledgeable of you and the ignorant of the you that the Bliss of Allah's pleasure upon the worshipers is greater than the bliss of the blissful Gardens (of paradise) and Allah declared to you by that in His decisive Book in the word of Allah the Most High: {Allah has promised to the believing men and the believing women, Gardens, wherein flow rivers, to abide therein, and goodly dwellings in Gardens of perpetual abode. And greatest of all is Allah’s goodly pleasure. That is the grand achievement.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Tawba] 9:72
Aye, by my Lord, and O praise be to my Lord! How truthful is my Lord, I swear by my Lord that I found the Love of Allah and His nearness and the Bliss of His Self's pleasure surly is the Greatest Bliss rather than the bliss of the world and the bigger than the bliss of the Gardens (of paradise). Aye by my Lord, O assembly of the believers by the Lord of the worlds, it is forbidden onto you to not believe me indeed I do not deceive you nor I promise you lies, surly if you respond to the True call that you are at the moment of the response as soon as you over look this statement of mine, Allah will dress the ratifying ones from you clothing that guards against evil the spirit of His Self's pleasure so you you witness and you are still in front of the computer that you are truly just found the Bliss of Allah's pleasure is indeed the Greatest Bliss, and as soon of your testimonies that the servant of the Greatest Bliss Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni speaks by the Truth and guides to a straight path to the reality of Allah's name the Greatest which the All Merciful made it an attribute to the pleasure of Himself upon His servants and as soon of your confession in the Truth your skin gets the goose bumps then your hearts softens the your eyes tears for what you knew from the Truth because you realized the True wisdom from creating you, a sign of the ratification for the True call comes to yourselves an attribute of Allah's pleasure upon you for whom they turned to Allah and got near and responded to the True call and they said: "O praise be to Allah how The Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni being upon clear falsehood and he is calling the people to the worship of the Greatest Bliss rather than the bliss of the world and the hereafter it is the Bliss of Allah's pleasure upon His servants", and for that Allah created them and created the world and the hereafter for them, so worship the Bliss of Allah's pleasure, so do not the world divert you off the wisdom from creating you, for Allah the hereafter and the former life. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Or shall the human being have what he wishes?(24) But for Allah is the Hereafter and the former (life).(25)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Njm] 53:24-25
Do not take the Greatest Bliss as a mean to achieve the smaller bliss, so if you did then you did not value Allah as His True value (should be), but who knew the reality of Allah's pleasure I swear by Allah the Great non can deceive them off the Truth after what they knew it all the occupants of the heavens and the earth and would never increase them except faith and affirmation; those are the worshipers of the Lord in the decisive Book in what they knew from the Book that the Greatest Bliss is greater than the whole kingdom which it is in Allah's pleasure upon His servants.
So do you love Allah? So do you love Allah? So do you love Allah? Then follow me Allah would love you then He brings near and grants you a spirit and bountiful-satisfaction in yourselves the spirit of the Greatest Bliss covers your skin then Allah softens with it your hearts then you eyes overflow with tears of what you knew from the Truth and the Truth is Allah my Lord and your Lord, the Lord of everything and He is the Owner of it, Allah the Lord of the worlds. O you who want to win Allah's love follow me then Allah would love you, and I never was innovative; but a follower, did Allah send the seal of the prophets and messengers the illiterate prophet and all the prophets before him except to all the people to Allah's worship Him Alone no partner for Him. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {And We sent no messenger before you but We revealed to him that there is no God but Me, so worship Me.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anbya] 21:25
Then why you do not respond to the call of the Awaited Mahdi in this span of five years? Isn't it because that it did not follow your desires so he calls your intercessors besides Allah? Then so far (from good) for your pleasure. I swear by the Greatest Bliss I would not and never follow you desires even if my call continued the age of time fifty million years I would not be shaken off the True call nor I have followed the falsehood, and if the Truth follows your desires surly the heavens and the earth would perish and some of them would have overpowered others and they would have taken a way to the Possessor of the throne if you were truthful O assembly of the associating ones to the Lord of the worlds, and there is no deity other than Him nor a worshiped equivalent to Him in His earth and His heaven.
I seal this True statement in what Allah had commanded my grandfather before me that he should say it : {Say: O disbelievers,(1) I do not worship what you worship,(2) Nor do you worship Him Whom I worship,(3) Nor shall I worship that which you worship,(4) Nor do you worship Him Whom I worship.(5) For you is your religion and for me is my religion.(6)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Kaferoon] 109:1-6
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Allah's khalifa Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
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