To say honestly, i didn't find answer. Why Allah says a one day for him is 1000 years for us? And how it concerns with the companions of Hell and Garden. How time counts for them? Like the Earth time or different? No answer was given. I've understood it as a one day stretched for 1000 years. But no answer am i right or not. I am confused.
انتهى الاقتباس من TamerlanKuzgov
I thought you understood the statement the was shared by our brother in Arabic
If this statement got translated you will get better understanding.. As for now I will try to answer your questions
There are 2 stages that comes to every person after dying
First is call Barzak and it's for soul only happens after death and the days there measured like our timing here on earth till the judgment day
Second stage is called the judgement days and it happens when life ends on earth and every creatures (since the beginning of creation) summain in AL hasher.. That day Allah will restore the bodies with the soul and we start to live the eternal life in heaven or hell
As for Allah's days ( 1000 years of our days) it starts with the judgment day and that's why they feel the time they spend was too short
If you still confused please let us know surly there are supports here better than me that can get you to understand
Did a prophet Isa ( peace be upon him) has a wife?
Assalam Aleykum, we are very curious truth seekers and sorry for a lot of questions. Did prophet Isa has a wife? Thank you everybody for your time to answer questions and God's bless on those who find time to answer them.
27 We then followed our messengers in their tracks; and we followed ʿĪsā, the son of Maryam, and gave him the gospel. And We put compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him, and (also) monasticism, which they invented - we did not prescribe it to them - (only) in the pursuit of Allah's pleasure. However, they did not pay attention to how it is due to him. And so We gave their wages to those of them who believed. But many of them were wicked.
brother maybe he was not married, that's why people invented the monk fame because Isa as was not married ,, and (also) monasticism, which they invented - we did not prescribe it to them - (this) only in the pursuit of Allah's pleasure. Ahi I only suspect that it can be true, unfortunately I cannot tell you with 100 percent certainty.
brother maybe he was not married, that's why people invented the monk fame because Isa as was not married ,, and (also) monasticism, which they invented - we did not prescribe it to them - (this) only in the pursuit of Allah's pleasure. Ahi I only suspect that it can be true, unfortunately I cannot tell you with 100 percent certainty.
انتهى الاقتباس من Mohsin Qureshi
Assalam Aleykum, thank you for trying to answer. Yes, may be Imam knows the right answer. If i am not mistaken, monasticism is the innovation and it will never be accepted by Allah. Likely, to pursue the Allah's pleasure should be reached by the active actions such as agitation and working with the right public. That's what some Imam's supporters do in an Internet.
Assalam Aleykum, it should be useful for all muslims to know how many hadith are fake since the beginning of narrating them to be better guided. May be it would be wise if right hadiths according to our Imam have been published already?