is there signs from Allah to avoid "evil" comes from people?
Assalamu Aleykum,
I'll explain my question by example. For example, you are talking with somebody about work, and you think that the person you want to have a business with may be a fake, or wanna steal your money, break agreement, and then while you are think that, you turn your head, and notice the car with writing on it " BANDIT". Is it possible for Allah to help people by any signs to avoid "evil" in your life.,.? Sorry for strange example..)
Wa alakom Al Salam was rhamt Allah wa brkaro my dear brother
Yes my dear brother the general answer for your questions is that Allah dose guide's us from unknown harm if we asked him sincerely by praying (estkharah) prayer, but as far as i know it's not that we literally see a writing on the wall as you mentioned in your example ,what i learnd that the way Allah helps is ether by clear visions in a person's sleep specifically night visions , or it could be like an uncomfortable feeling in some ones heart to avoid something or it could be by some one that you trust that warn's you , for instance let's take the scenario you mentioned earlier about the guy who wants to do busines I would go through all the details and when I'm alone I would pray and ask Allah if this what I'm about to do is beneficial for me please let it be blessed and if it's harmful in any way or form please dear Allah with your murcy avert it from me .
Another example is actually a real senario that happend with the immam him self while he was driving and speeding he received a phone call from one of he's fallowers which made him slowdown to take the call, and when the car slowed down the tire exploded and the immam managed to control the car and he said that the phone call was the reason for him to slowdown which made him avoid the car from losing control while in high Speed .
So as long a a person is always asking Allah for help he will always receive it .
انتهى الاقتباس من الفقير الى الله
Thank you brother. Your answer was helpful for me.
Does Allah responds to prayer to help in activity He doesn't support?
Assalam Aleykum for all brothers in religion and other people,
Fro the first sight the question will sound stupid for someone who use the mind. And i have found out that Allah doesn't support, and not apporve the sport fights where people harm to each others health without reasons mentioned in the Quran . And i saw how some sportsmens pray to Allah so that He will help them to win the sport fight. After winning, some of them with gratefulness turn their faces up to the heaven and even prostrate down. Does Allah really help them to win such fights even though it is not approved by Him?
That's all right. Prostate to Allah is good example for other muslims in any case of life. Thank you. But it is really doubtful that Allah helps someone who does what He doesn't approve..
Are there people who half man and half animal in the Earth?
Assalam Aleykum brothers and readers of the website,
Some of us have seen pictures in an Internet with people ( babies) who are half man and half animal. For example, half pig and half human or half sheep and half human? Is it really possible for human to conceive such offsprings? We know by Imam Nasser Mohammad Al Yemeni who is Imam Mahdi ( peace be upon him as well as all prophets of the Book, and all praises to Allah for making us knowledgeable and wise in the life) that offspings of jinn and human reproduction is really exists ( Gog and Magog and other species of the Hollow Earth), and how about animals and human reproduction? I believe it is possible, but wanna hear opinon of knowledgeable muslims..Thank you.
Thank you and you have the same what you wish for me. It means that people ( babies) who half man and half animal are really exist in this Earth, and came from human ( but whispered by Satans)?
Dear brother I'm so sorry that I locked the post by mistake
انتهى الاقتباس من الفقير الى الله
It's ok. It happens.
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If they exist only in the Hollow Earth, it means this is the fake articles showing that such hybrids born by ordinary people in dirty relationships with animals.