الموضوع: The Brief Answer Series: Is Stoning Part of Islamic Sharia?

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  1. افتراضي The Brief Answer Series: Is Stoning Part of Islamic Sharia?

    In the name of Allah the Most Merciful
    Prayers and peace be upon the khalifa of Allah the Awaited Mahdi Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani and upon his purified family
    Prayers and peace be upon all the messengers and prophets and upon all the believers

    Assalamualaikum wrbt
    In this video I deliver from the Awaited Mahdi Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani statement the proofs from the Holy Quran and Sunna that there is no stoning in Islamic Sharia.
    Statement :Nullification of the punishment-law of stoning the forged against Allah and His messenger, and proving the punishment-law of adultery in the decisive grand Quran.
    Read #Al_bayan @ https://alyamani.me/showthread.php?25903
    NOUN Statement.tv @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0ekqq238Qo

    Peace be upon the sent ones & alhamdulillah rabb al alamin

  2. افتراضي

    يا نليون مرحيا بك أخي الكريم وحبيبي في الله حبيب الرحمن ياسر, واقول اللهم امين واياكم وجميع أنصار الحق واني لمقصر واسأله تعالى أن يتقبل منا ومنكم والهدايه للناس أجمعين وهو أرحم الراحمين ونحبكم في الله.
    أخوكم : رأفت سعيد.

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